Thursday, November 11, 2010

Out with the old, in with the NEW!

So, maybe it's a little early for New Year's, but we're already in the holiday spirit!

Why wait 'til 2011 to show you what we've been working so feverishly on when it could be sitting under your Christmas tree or shared with a loved one on the first night of the Festival of Lights?

If you're friends with us on Facebook and following us on Twitter (we hope you are!), you know that all month long we are celebrating Thanksgiving!  Because we want you to know just how grateful we are for everything & everyone in our lives (this includes, you, of course!). 

And, just in time for Thanksgiving, we are giving all you eco fashionistas out there something else to smile about -- our revamped website!  With so many new may have to call in sick (or at least surf the site during your lunch break).

We don't mess with success, so we still have all your classic green faves on the site ready to be wrapped up in our eco origami inspired envelope or 100% recycled gift box, but take a few moments and explore our new additions -- especially the Real Spirit and Real Sweet bursting with COLOR!

Real Jewels has bejeweled its pieces now more than ever before...Amethysts, Rose Quartz, and Pearls -- oh my!
The new site has launched...check it out NOW!

Stay real,
The Real Jewels Team 

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